Yes, so the Karakuri project is shaping up a bit more--it's a lady piece (all lady robots): I, Amy, was thinking about a Katya Marritz piece of work; in her apartment on a wine night and she's showing me all her old scores. Photos and stories about things she did younger--there's a great set of photos on a performance piece. My head's fuzzy right now, but it was a piece where she stood in a slip and kneaded dough and made a kind of dough forest around her counter, a testament to women's labor.
So I told Eric, and I've been thinking a lot about ritual lately, I told him about these kinds of things that we do involving everyday labors for the other, in short, the way women can shape themselves, re-orientate, and maybe to cut off huge chucks of their own arms not sure. My mother woke up every morning at six to see her loveless marriage off to work safe and sound; she did this for 28 years. And I think about own morning rituals and where that time is going; it feels safe to me, the practice of it.
When you research women and ritual this is what you get (above), so that's good at least.
Eric wants to make his robot puppet like little soldiers and we'll see what they can do, a kitchen full of things like this:
And this:
And this:
All the little karakuri will have roles to assemble themselves in -- a little army of robot women waking up every morning and bushing eyebrows till the hairs lay in the same direction. Cool, eh?