9.18.2011- ACRES of CLAMS at Ars Nova's ANT FEST! Info here:
03.06.2011 - ACRES OF CLAMS premieres at AiB SITEfest 2011. March 6, Bushwick Starr, the History of Washington State is told -- In Song -- to Brooklyn. 5:45 pm.
12.22.2010 to 01.3.2010 - Untitled Travelogue Project, Seattle to San Francisco. -- NOTE, postponed till Summer Fall 2011.
10.3.2010 -- ARM AND EL BEAU appear in Greenpoint Open Studios, Cabaret Night. Location, details, TBA.

9.17.2010 -- Arm and El Beau will be appearing at the In/Out Festival in NYC, at the Tank, 7pm. Information on how buy tickets TBA.
8.21.2010 -- Amy's 27th--A birthday party test run of an upcoming performance. Open rehearsal.
7.20.2010-7.25.2010-- Eric has a show up and running in the undergroundzero festival. It's called La Voix Humaine and it's a Cocteau/Poulenc opera, only it's in English so it's really The Human Voice.
7.13.2010-7.18.2010 -- Amy Rose helps present the 35th Samuel French Off Off Broadway Short Play Festival, at the Lion Theatre in New York. Amy serves as the Festival's Online Content Director and the editor of the Festival's Playwright Interview Website. Tickets: $18 per session available here.
6.5.2010-- Amy Rose donates time to the script/performance work of Charley Parden in his short BOS Open Studios Cab Piece. She'll be performin' here.
6.2.2010 -- Eric Beauzay presents scenic work with MUD/BONE Collective in their upcoming play "Impossible Country." Date and Time: TBA.
4.18.2010 -- Amy Rose performs with BOOMSLANG, the literary/performance wing of the GODDAMN COBRAS CREATIVE COLLECTIVE in Elizabeth Nolan Brown's "Beautiful Fools" at the GDC's first summer supper club symposium. She plays Zelda Fitzgerald.
3.6.2010 -- Amy Rose produces a public workshop-style reading of her short work PAPER PLAY/WORD PLAY at Arts in Bushwick's SITEfest 2010, along with Katherine Henner's SPEAKING IN STOMACHS. The work is directed by Lee Sunday Evans with scenic suggestion by Eric Beauzay, and features Charley Parden, Hugh McMullen and Elizabeth Nolan Brown. Suggested Donation: $5. SITEfest runs in conjunction with the Amory Show.